Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Canning Pears

I had a lot of helpers canning pears on Tuesday. I've been really amazed, my kids have been fantastic at helping with the canning. So far this year we've canned peaches, applesauce, and pears. The kids have helped throughout the whole process. They helped pick the produce, wash, peel, cut, and can. I've had to insist that they aren't tall enough to take the jars out of the canner - or they'd be doing that as well.

I came home from the doctor's today and had a pleasant surprise - Rebecca and Isaac had started canning pears again! They had the syrup made and simmering on the stove, and the lemon water bath with peeled and cut pears in it! I had mentioned that I would need to finish the pears today and they took it upon themselves to get started. WOW! I have fantastic kids!

Our canning inventory to date:
16 quarts peaches (2-3 bushels)
26 quarts jonathan applesauce (apx 4 bushels)
14 pints pears (1 bushel)
2 pints peach jam

We had a little bit more, but we gave it to Uncle James and Aunt Emily because they helped with the process!
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