Monday, September 7, 2009

A New School Year - and She's already ahead

Our new school year is beginning this week, and I'm still not all the way organized, and we are still waiting for curriculum. Rebecca, however, couldn't wait to get started, so she as already completed almost everything for the first week. She would have everything completed, but it hasn't arrived in the mail yet. I guess that is what happens when your a raising a scholar. I feel like I'm behind most of the time to begin with, now compared to Rebecca's I'll really feel like I'm behind, but at least she keeps me on my toes.

Our curriculum this year is called American Culture from Winterpromise. They have great websites listed in the study guide, and as usual I will be posting some of them here as an easy access point for our family, please feel free to come along and enjoy the ride as we learn about American History from the Civil War until today.

The Underground Railroad - by National Geographic

Tour Slave Quarters and more - by PBS

The South Secedes and War Begins - by HowStuffWorks

Here We GO!

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