Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Twelve Apostles and the First Presidency

Shortly after last General Conference we discovered this little treasure on the internet through the wonders of mass emailing.

A few weeks ago we were watching it again and I wondered, have they made a new one yet? Of course, I knew they didn't know who the new apostle will be - but just maybe . . .

We are looking forward to seeing the new video when it comes out after conference and the chance to get to know another new apostle.

Speaking of apostles this week we will be learning about the apostles to prepare ourselves better for General Conference. Here are some of the resources we will be using:

The Special Witnesses pages in the 2002 Friend was a Getting to Know (the Apostles) page.
January - Elder Jeffery R. Holland
February - Boyd K. Packer
March - Elder Henry B. Eyring
April - Elder Richard G. Scott
May - Elder Dallin H. Oaks
June - Elder Russell M. Nelson
July - Elder L. Tom Perry
August - M. Russell Ballard
September - Joseph B. Wirthlin
October - Robert D. Hales
November - David A. Bednar
December - Dieter F. Utchdorf

The 2006 Friend had Guess Who pages for Each of the Apostles.
The individual links take you to the text pages, but you can also get the pdf version by going to the main page for Friend.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Van Gogh

We have been studying Van Gogh, and the more I learn about him, the more I want to know. I never knew that studying artists and their artwork could be so much fun. I'm also looking forward to learning about a new artist.

Here is an audio file from the Vincent Van Gogh Gallery with the correct pronunciation of Vincent Van Gogh

Here is one of Vincent Van Gogh's most famous works - Starry Night -

oops, I dropped it.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

science is cool

These Steve Spangler Video's are really cool. I put a couple of them on here so you can watch them. On the sidebar find Steve Spangler Science Videos and you can watch a whole bunch.

Click Here to Watch One of My Favorite Video's

My name is ISAAC i like stevspangler science video's

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Van Gogh Online Activities

Online Coloring of Van Gogh Painting

Starry Night
Room at Arles

Flower Beds in Holland

Vincent Van Gogh Biography and Online Activities from Garden of Praise

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Latitude and Longitude

We are going to participate in the Globe at Night project. First, however, we have to determine our latitude and longitude. What is that - well, check out this website from Social Studies for Kids for a basic definition and then play this Latitude and Longitude Map Match game to practice what you learned.

Are you ready for a challenge - Try Cracking the Code in this fun game.

Find out YOUR latitude and longitude using one of these tools.
MapTech on ClassBrain

Enter the quardants you found for your location into the View Above Earth page and see what you can see.


For some more great resources that I found (powerpoint presentations) and interactive games check out Mapskills@pppst.com

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

365 Days of Astronomy

We are studying Astronomy this year and I just discovered this great podcast - it is the International Year of Astronomy in celebration of Galileo's first look through a telescope - and so this podcast is part of the celebration. Here is the trailer for the podcasts, followed by links to subscribe.

365 Days of Astronomy Podcast
http://feeds2.feedburner.com/52WeeksofAstronomy - This is the same podcast - just a weeks worth at a time.

There is also a great website with an Astronomy Picture of the Day

This study of astronomy is part of the Mother's Education Course for Latter-Day Saints that I am pursuing.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Inside Art
This is a really cool website, it takes you inside a painting by Vincent Van Gogh and then answers the 5 "Ws" and the "H" about the painting. I recommend this website. - Green Girl (aka Rebecca)

Van Gogh

How Van Gogh Made his Mark - Met Museum

This was very interesting and educational, it tells about Van Gogh's paintings and Van Gogh himself. It let you experience different tools. - Emily

It was very fun but also educational at the same time. - Makhyla

Vincent Van Gogh - KidKonnect
Self Portrait
Inside Art
Van Gogh Gallery

Van Gogh
- Surfing the Net with Kids

Van Gogh Museum
national Gallery of Art

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

World Math Day

Today and Tomorrow is World Math Day. How can it be today and tomorrow - well, that all has to do with time zones. World Math Day is March 4th as soon as it is March 4th at the International Dateline and goes until it is no longer March 4th anywhere in the world, so somehow that makes it almost 48 hours. I

I just discovered this website today from a friendly email from Math Mammoth and since it is a free event I quickly decided to sign my kids up after reading Maria's blog post.

I let them practice today - and it was a hit. Rebecca accumulated 785 correct answers, Emily 446, and Isaac 84. It was amazing, they are all excited to get up tomorrow and begin competing in the real competition just as soon as they can.

It is really a neat thing that they can compete in real time with other kids from around the globe, it even shows them where on the globe they are located. I found a great interactive time zone map at WorldTimeZone.com where we can check out the time zone's around the world in either 24 hour or 12 hour format. You can get a printable map here. This would also be a great week to talk about Daylight Savings time.

Time Zones from Brain Pop
Daylight Savings Time from Brain Pop
Daylight Savings Time from HowStuff Works
A Change in Time from Science News for Kids

You can sign up for a free 5 day trial from Brain Pop. We used it a few years ago through our virtual school and really enjoyed Brain Pop. However, you may want to preview some of the health videos before letting your kids watch them.

Hint Hint: A membership to a site like this would be a great christmas present from Grandparents.

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