Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veterans Day

It is the end of Veterans Day but I am finally researching and preparing to teach my kids why their Dad had the day off to play with them today. Somehow these holidays always seem to sneak up on me, and this was no exception, I was concerned with Rebecca's 11th birthday party this past weekend.

I found these two lapbooks as a starting point for our lesson tomorrow.

Veterans Day Lapbook Pack free from Currclick.

Veterans Day Lapbook from Our Homeschooling Expedition. This one includes some great website links.

I really like the mottos, flags and seals of the branches of the military on this lapbook at LaPaz Home Learning

The Origins of Veterans Day from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Here is a great collection of learning activities.
Maybe next year I'll remember to check out library books in advance!

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